The Connection Archives

Issue archives from 2007.

  • One on One with a Data Architect: How to Harvest your Data to Make Smarter Business Decisions
    Most companies fail to recognize their operational data is their most valued asset simply because it doesn’t appear directly on any financial statements. Data holds valuable insight into organizational productivity, customer habits, and proactive decision making. Unfortunately, most businesses fall short of utilizing their data to its fullest potential.
  • News from HPE’s NonStop Division
    Dear NonStop Community: Welcome to another issue of The Connection Magazine. What a wild summer it’s been! Planning product events
  • A Note from Connect Leadership
    Greetings fellow community members, As summer gives way to fall, our thoughts naturally turn to all things security (I bet
  • The Flip Side
    In early December 2020, I had an opportunity to sit in on a virtual fireside chat with Scott Dorsey, former Founder and CEO of ExactTarget at the 2020 Instill Culture Conference. ExactTarget is a provider of digital marketing automation and analytics software that was acquired by in 2013. As mentioned in a previous LinkedIn article, this conference brought together a community of forward-thinkers from sports, the military, business, academia, and the venture capital worlds to brainstorm how to build positive organizational cultures.
  • NonStop Trends & Wins
    Deon Ballard, Principal product marketing manager, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, is quoted saying: “Sometimes you want boring. Sometimes you want reliable and predictable and all the things that you generally don’t want your first date to describe you as you really want your operating system customers to describe you like that.” I like that quote. If RHEL is boring, NonStop must indeed be comatose. Of course, Mr. Ballard is correct you do want boring in an Operating System, one that allows you to sleep well and with confidence.
  • My Other Computer is a NonStop Server
    After the successful upgrade I got the idea to use these servers and learn how to setup vNS on VMware. I managed to get two of these eight servers for my home LAB with the CPUs, RAMs, HDDs and the NICs. The server components were not enough to build a vNS , according to the Hardware architecture guide for HPE Virtualized NonStop on VMware. I had to spend few thousand dollars to buy the missing components like Mellanox ConnectX-4 cards, upgrade RAMs, etc…
  • Real-Time Data Replication and Integration Software for a Nonstop World!
    The technology landscape is changing. Today, business is global, and it’s 24/7. It relies on IT applications in continuously running datacenters. It requires constant uptime and demands data sharing across an enterprise.
  • GDPR 2021 – Compliance and Penalties; 3 Years Later
    The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a major piece of legislation adopted in 2018. It is designed to address the protection and responsible use of every European Union citizen’s personal data. However, GDPR is not an EU-only regulation. It affects ANY business or individual handling the data of EU citizens, regardless of where that business or individual is based.
  • uLinga for Kafka – A Different Approach
    There’s been a lot of talk over the last few years about Kafka, but what is it, and how might it impact NonStop applications and data? According to the Kafka Apache project, Kafka is “the most popular open-source stream-processing software for collecting, processing, storing and analyzing data at scale.” Kafka is used by thousands of companies, including 60% of the Fortune 100. Well known users in the finance space include Goldman Sachs, Rabobank, Barclays, Jack Henry and PayPal, and household names that use Kafka include Netflix, Oracle, LinkedIn and AirBnB.
  • The power of NonStop data analytics – Part II – introducing safePoint Logstream –
    Introduction In the March/April 2021 issue of The Connection, we wrote about ‘The Power of NonStop Data Analytics’ and how
  • Next steps with NonStop SQL/MX DBS
    In the past year we have been enhancing the webDBS user interface to a point that it can be used in serious prototype work, thanks to the input of those who participated.
  • Payments Apps and Database Security. It’s Business as Usual. Until it’s Not.
    CashApp, Zelle, Venmo, ApplePay, Square – the payments industry is growing and expanding into areas we hadn’t imagined. Everyone relied on it before the pandemic – now it’s critical infrastructure and embedded into our everyday habits.
  • Data; it lives and it grows – with NonStop SQL, data truly has found a home.
    Perhaps the most enduring character from the fictional Star Trek franchise just happens to be Data. With his positronic brain he could out-compute the likes of Vulcans and in so doing, endeared himself to viewers worldwide, given his total lack of emotion. Before Data, there had been Spock, but in Data we saw a significant upgrade albeit one with absolutely no understanding of humanity. In many ways, the mere thought of having someone like Data onboard the spaceship USS Enterprise, gave the scriptwriters that all-important way out whenever situations escalated beyond belief. With Data, there was always an option.
  • Shadowbase Software: Synchronous Replication
    My name is Jonathan Ziegler, and I have worked at Gravic for 12 years. I currently manage the Shadowbase software development group, spanning NonStop, Linux, Windows, and a variety of other technologies. Before I jump into our new Early Code Drop (ECD) program for HPE Shadowbase synchronous replication, I was asked to share a bit about my background.
  • NonStop Forward
    Many clients and users at TUG meetings have expressed concerns to me about losing experienced members on their Nonstop team. These team members work in different groups, such as development, support or operations for the NonStop platform. Their contributions are crucial in the ecosystem of their company’s mission critical applications.  There is great concern in losing that pool of expertise.
  • Expanding NonStop Opportunities
    Under the circumstances, hope everything is going as well as can be expected. All the best in getting through a very difficult time with the Coronavirus.
  • News from HPE’s NonStop Division
    There is something about having a long experience in this industry that is of high value to us because we get to witness how different technologies are born, going through a hype cycle, being adopted in very specific solutions or getting wider adoption or in some cases just being forgotten. For customers it may be a daunting task to decide where to invest. So many new technologies simply claim to solve world hunger. In general it is rare that a technology becomes universal across all vendors. TCP/IP can claim that, for languages C/C++ and Java have had success, for operating systems, is Linux the standard now? But what else? When it comes to programming for example, not long ago, multi-threading was the common way to scale an application. Then BigData proved that “scale out” may be a better way to address massive scale for data access. I think we knew this already in our NonStop world but the industry didn’t.
  • A Note From Connect Leadership
    There is an old Chinese curse that says “May he live in interesting times” and it seems we all are! With everything happening around the globe these days, we all need to stay alert and make smart decisions. Panic is not a strategy. Many trade shows are being canceled, and time will tell if the regional user group meetings will be canceled too. If they are, I’d like to encourage folks who were going to be presenting to share their message via our publications and website. Our Slack channel is open for business, and as a community we can use it to gather and discuss all things HPE.
  • Preparing Your Workplace for Uncertainty
    As a cybersecurity company in Southern California, fueled by a culture of transparency and caring for our employees and customers, we live and operate by our mission: “We protect your data as if it’s our own.” We approached the Covid-19 threat the same way we approach cybersecurity threats, with extreme vigilance and seriousness.
  • NonStop Trends & Wins
    With the pandemic upon us I believe the value of NonStop is paramount.  As many are aware GE Healthcare, the NonStop healthcare solution partner, existed the enterprise side of the business, relinquishing that market to their competitors Cerner and Epic.  However NonStop has done more in healthcare and I wanted to tell an older story that becomes very applicable to today’s environment.
  • Know Your Threat; Understanding the Latest Cyber-Crime Trends
    What are some of the latest cyber-security threats affecting organizations? Cyber-crime is a constantly evolving enterprise. Cyber-security threats are becoming
  • Modern Databases – Navigating through choice
    For application developers and architects then the development landscape is more complex and pressured today than ever before. On premise, off premise, public cloud, private cloud, agility, DevOps all add pressure to decisions whilst none take away the need to bring solutions to market quickly and, of course, minimise costs.
  • Integration of enterprise messaging infrastructure on NonStop
    Business today is a world of connected systems. Every application, every piece of data, and every machine is connected and exchanges data at huge volumes at ever-increasing speeds. This flow of information moves throughout every data center and out to remote locations. The data might move between applications within the business or be shared between companies. All this is, of course, also true for users of HPE NonStop systems running mission-critical applications, which need to communicate with other systems and applications in the enterprise.
  • REST @ RedLink: Using APIs to modernize BASE24 and the NonStop Ecosystem
    RedLink is the biggest national switch for Argentina, owned by the major banks here (Banco Nacion, Banco Provincia de Buenos Aires, Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Grupo Petersen and other important institutions).  We work mainly with public banks (the largest being here in Argentina). RedLink processes more than 27+ million transactions on peak days, driving more than 10,000 ATMs all around the country. We work with more than 60 financial institutions and have more than 1,000 employees.
  • Top Financial Institution Standardizes HPE NonStop Database Management
    The client, a large US-headquartered financial institution, is a multinational, independent investment bank and financial services company assisting individuals, corporations, and municipalities. With more than 8,100 financial advisors serving approximately 3 million accounts in more than 2,600 locations throughout the United States, Canada and overseas, total client assets approach $1 trillion.
  • Crystal Point: The NonStop Connectivity Bunch
    Every company has an origin story, and company names aren’t always created from the obvious. Steve Jobs branded his company Apple Computer after he returned home from working in an apple orchard.  Jeff Bezos wanted his tiny business to become as big as the Amazon River, the largest in the world. Google was supposed to be named Googol, a math term for ten to the one-hundredth power.  But when the name was misspelled as Google during a domain name search, the decision was made to register the mistake.
  • News from HPE’s NonStop Division
    With a new year upon us, it’s a great opportunity to look back and reflect on where we’ve been, the successes we’ve had, the lessons we’ve learned, the new friends we’ve made, the relationships we’ve strengthened.
  • A Note from Connect Leadership
    Most of you are used to seeing this column penned by Navid Khodayari, who has done an amazing job for the last two years. With the new year, Navid has been promoted to past-president and I have been given the honor to be your president. I hope I will be able to continue the legacy that Navid has left me, I am sure with your help, along with our newest members of the board we will continue to build upon his work.
  • SunTUG and the HPE NonStop Salt Life
    It’s a long way to the next NonStop TBC this fall, but it’s not too far away for most of us in the middle of a cold winter to SunTUG this February 28-29th in Tampa, Florida. In fact, it’s quite inviting right now.
  • TBC 2019 Recap – REST with Payments
    The 2019 Connect NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC) was a brilliant event as usual.  Great presentation content from HPE and customers and some really good times catching up with and making new friends at the various networking events.
  • Expanding NonStop Opportunities
    As we all know, business is becoming increasingly technology-based. With this, enterprises need to deliver new digital services and be better at business innovation on an ongoing basis to continue being relevant and to expand their opportunities. This is fundamental to delivering value, growth, creating wealth, etc. – which is very important to Customers and stakeholders.
  • NonStop Trends & Wins
    NonStop – Some Clarification In visiting customers over the past few months it’s clear that there is some misunderstanding of
  • Multi-Factor Authentication Saves Time, Money, Reputation
    Before utilizing XYPRO software solutions and services, one prominent bank depended on non-standard, less secure processes for logging onto their HPE NonStop systems and applications. Relying on a single set of credentials that was managed separately from their corporate Active Directory was both difficult to integrate with enterprise infrastructure and gave poor user experience…
  • California Consumer Privacy Act: The Need for Data-Centric Security
    The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is the latest in a series of global privacy regulations. It comes with new requirements for dealing with personal data and is accompanied by severe penalties. Consequently, businesses must take appropriate action to comply with CCPA. While handling consent and opt-outs are at the forefront, successful mitigation of risks starts with data-centric security – it is about understanding where personal data resides and encrypting or anonymizing that data whenever possible. This is where technology, such as data tokenization becomes an essential element for every business.
  • The State Of NonStop – Current and Future – with ATC’s Franz Koenig
    Andrew Price:  All longtime NonStop users have watched over the years as the NonStop platform has become more and more
  • News from HPE’s NonStop Division (May-June 2019)
    After a winter with record level snowfalls here in some areas of Austria of up to 4.5 meters of fresh snow within a few weeks, spring finally seems to take over. The last patches of snow I can see from my home-office disappear, making way for another white colored delight: snowdrops on meadows that get greener by the day. The same way that nature brings this constant renewal and change through the seasons, the NonStop business is marching forward, renewing itself like nature does every spring.
  • A Note From Connect Leadership (May-June 2019)
    We are now in full swing TUG season with meetings taking place from Los Angeles to New York to Scotland! Flights are being taken by HPE and Partners alike, and customers are hearing about all the latest and greatest NonStop. Speaking of great; the story at a lot of the meetings has been the fantastic performance of the NonStop Enterprise Division within HPE. Business is up and customers are happy! To top it all off, the technology keeps getting better and innovation is taking place all around! Basically, it’s a great time to be in the NonStop community!
  • NonStop Trends & Wins (May-June 2019)
    The greater HPE strategy evolves around the idea that corporations will use a mix of hybrid architecture and hybrid cloud to achieve optimal results for a reasonable investment. Another tenet to the strategy is that everything will be understood through artificial intelligence and its components of machine and dep learning. Finally that a large portion of computing will be done at the edge. By the edge, HPE means near the creation of an event or transaction. It would be pre-cloud and would, most often, obviate the need to move the data back to the data center since it would have already been processed. Only aggregate data and outliers would make the long and somewhat expensive trip back to the data center. By way of example, I was reading of video ‘smart cities’ surveillance systems that were setup in China a few years ago.
  • Expanding NonStop Opportunities (May-June 2019)
    Based on the news “Shares of Wells Fargo & Co. closed down more than 2 % after a nationwide outage hit the bank’s ATM and online networks.”. To quantify how bad this is for the business and stakeholders, based on a business valuation of $243 B, the 2 % hit equals a loss of about $5 B!
  • The IT Director’s Perspective: Maximizing the Value of HPE NonStop (May-June 2019)
    “You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.” Your next stop, the datacenter. It is full of the latest and greatest technologies. Rows and rows of servers sit surrounded by flash disk arrays and enough fiber to reach to the moon and back. This is the new home for your software, the lifeblood of your company. You reflect proudly on what you have helped to create and then, doubt begins to cloud this wonderful vision. Is my software worthy of running on all of this shiny new technology? Can my software take advantage of all of these technologies? Is my software ready to run in the cloud?
  • Chapter News – 2019 NYTUG Recap (May-June 2019)
    We had a generally good event this year. We had a good attendance, despite the usual last-minute cancellations and no shows. Customer attendees represented JP Morgan Chase, Fiserv, Bank of America – Merrill Lynch and Western Union.
  • Chapter News – CTUG’s 2018 Fall Conference Report (May-June 2019)
    The CTUG fall conference was another great event. The theme for this year’s event was “NonStop’s Value Today”. There are more reasons to choose NonStop today and we wanted to show how that value continues to grow.
  • Proactive Security and Threat Detection – it’s not that SIEMple
    Real-time threat detection is an indisputably critical element for maintaining operational integrity across a rapidly changing mission critical environment. Knowing
  • Remembering Esther Sanchez (May-June 2019)
    It is with deep sadness that HPE announces one of our former HPE NonStop colleagues Esther Sanchez’s passing. Esther was a passionate advocate of the technology and culture of NonStop and had a long history with the platform from her Base24 customer experiences in Spain.
  • From Hacker to Hackathon – History in the Making! (May-June 2019)
    The year 2018 marked a very important milestone for our company, Gravic, Inc. We hosted our first-ever hackathon, and it was a major success. After months of planning, scheduling, coordination, and approval, we successfully hosted what has now become a highly anticipated annual event.
  • Back for More (May-June 2019)
    This issue will be all about the processing of data – developing and implementing those all-important programs in support of mission critical transaction processing. In particular, the languages, tools methodologies, frameworks and much more that all play a role in creating the business logic necessary to process the data created by transactions. The two, data and processing have been linked since the very first computer was built and even today, there are those in the NonStop community that can recall being recruited to work in “data processing.” Of course, in the intervening years, so much has changed that, in order to remain competitive, businesses have long ago foregone the five and even three year planning cycles to where development and testing of business logic is now continuous.
  • The Next Generation of NonStop Technology: Meet NonStop Under 40 (NSU40)
    Three years ago, Navid Khodayari, President of Idelji Corp., and Kristi Elizondo, CEO of Connect Worldwide, started an ongoing conversation. Throughout their travels, to various TUGs around the world, they continued to craft ways that promote and invest in the next generation of NonStop practitioners. In 2016 an informal breakout session was held at NonStop Technical Boot Camp in San Jose. Navid remembers that he had no agenda for the meeting other than to get people together and see what everyone wanted to talk about, “everyone started talking and, just like that, NSU40 was born.” He became the first president, and establishing the first Board of Directors came next, including representation from customers, partners, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Education and marketing were high on the list, and the door opened for an online message board for member engagement.
  • A Note from Connect Leadership
    We are fresh off another successful NonStop Technical Boot Camp, and I hope all of you that attended found it to be a valuable experience. We had a great few days with presentations from HPE, Partners, and Customers, as well as loads of Networking time. The first-ever NonStop Hackathon was a great success and the second-ever NSU40 Pub Crawl was a great time! Other notable events included the second annual Women in Technology event and our Community Celebration with trivia from Geeks who Drink. The trivia competition that night was fierce, and it took a tiebreak question to determine a winner! Basically good times by all!
  • News from HPE’s NonStop Division
    Living the NonStop Technical Boot Camp afterglow! There’s nothing like coming back to face day-to-day and end of the year
  • NonStop Trends & Wins
    At this year’s NonStop TBC we had the first ever NonStop Hackathon. Hackathons have become commonplace but not on NonStop. To me this shows a new commitment to keep NonStop current and viable. 3 teams competed to connect to the vNonStop system in Alpharetta and demonstrate connectivity. There were cash prizes. The competitors all received the inaugural T-shirt and to keep them going, a snack table, and, of course, beer.
  • Expanding NonStop Opportunities
    As has been stated in previous Expanding NonStop Opportunities articles, the main metrics for applications very important to the organization are – 99.99999 % (7 x 9s) or higher system availability $1,000,000. / minute fee from supplier for non-compliance
  • XYPRO’s 2020 Cybersecurity Predictions – Add 2 Factor Authentication and Machine Learning to Your Plans!
    As 2020 approaches, it’s time to discuss cybersecurity predictions that will impact the industry in the upcoming year. As a CISSP and Chief Information Security Officer for XYPRO, I thought long and hard about what I could say that would be impactful and hasn’t been said before – that’s a tall order! The reality is, what we predicted would be important in 2019, 2018 and even 2017 – is still applicable. A lot of what we predicted back then was never properly addressed and remains a risk today – credential theft and attacks targeting privileged user logins are more prevalent than ever. Currently, the best way to combat these types of attacks is to use 2-factor authentication.
  • NuWave’s Year in Review
    We’ve had a busy year here at NuWave, and as of this writing, NonStop TBC hasn’t even happened yet! This year was NuWave’s 20th anniversary, as you may have read about in the July/August issue of The Connection, and it was also the 15th anniversary of our partnership with TIC Software, NuWave’s primary reseller in the United States and Canada. This year, we’ve also been doing a lot of traveling to meet all of you lovely NonStoppers and to spread the word about Web services!
  • NonStop SQL/MX: High Transaction AND Online Analytical Processing
    Many years ago now, a company known as Tandem was struggling to stay viable in the new world of client-server. This was in the mid-1990s, and the CEO of Tandem, Roel Pieper, was looking at partnering with Microsoft, the main company driving client-server architecture. Microsoft was struggling to move up within the enterprise space, needing a more robust solution and decided to provide a clustering option, code-named Wolfpack, to Windows. Several vendors contributed to Wolfpack, including Tandem which became Windows clustering software…
  • Data is your superpower
    In today’s world of round-the-clock online business and commerce, data is everywhere. Data has become your superpower, even more so when it’s protected data. As many users of HPE NonStop systems are processing a large amount of sensitive or mission-critical data it is paramount that such data is protected in the best possible manner. The challenge that many organizations are facing is that the isolated databases of old have evolved dramatically and so has the need for appropriate data protection and security.
  • NSU40 SIG Hosts First Annual Hackathon at Connect’s 2019 NonStop Technical Boot Camp
    The call went out weeks before attendees started arriving in Burlingame for the event: “If you enjoy a challenge, competition, spending time with your NonStop community members, beer, pizza, chip and dip, AND taking home cash prizes, sign up now!”
  • Connect Announces Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship Recipients!
    The Connect Future Leaders in Technology (FLIT) is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering and supporting the next generation of IT leaders. Established in 2010, Connect FLIT is a separate US 501 (c)(3) corporation and all donations go directly to scholarship awards. Applications are accepted from around the world and winners are chosen by a committee of educators based on criteria established by the FLIT board of directors including, GPA, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation and a compelling essay. The scholarship awarded to each recipient is $2,000 and is paid directly to the scholar’s university.
  • Celebrating an evening of networking with Women In Technology at NonStopTBC 2019
    Celebrating an evening of networking with Women In Technology at NonStopTBC 2019
  • Back for More (Nov-Dec 2019)
    When you consider the mileage, you oftentimes forget the passage of time – wasn’t it Harrison Ford’s character, Indiana Jones, in the film Raiders of the Lost Ark who responded to the question from the leading lady, “You’re not the man I knew ten years ago” with, “It’s not the years, honey. It’s the mileage.” When it comes to 2019 my travels reached new heights. As for someone who advocates travel by car, I spent time aboard ships, trains, planes and yes automobiles too. It was all in the name of spending quality time with the NonStop community.
  • A Very Special Thank You to All of Our Sponsors at the NonStop TBC 2019
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January – February 2014
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September – October 2014
November – December 2014


January – February 2013
March – April 2013
May – June 2013
July – August 2013
September – October 2013
November – December 2013


January – February 2012*
March – April 2012*
May – June 2012*
July – August 2012
September – October 2012*
November – December 2012


January – February 2011*
March – April 2011*
May – June 2011*
July – August 2011*
September – October 2011*
November – December 2011*